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Quake Champions Heroes

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Even Quake Champions has a marketable audience. It's the fans of the classic quake games, Quake 3 and hero oriented shooters. If there was a single-player Quake 5 who would they market that game to? The first Quake was a hodgepodge of ideas, with a focus on the 3D tech they had just made. The second one had more of a focus on gameplay and story. The re-death of a game?Edit: I realize Fatal1ty didn't play Quake Live as much.Merch: https://www.patre. Sep 26, 2018 Quake Champions is an arena hero shooter. It takes the tried and true format of its predecessors and melds it with the ever-present hero system present in games like Overwatch and MOBAs like DOTA 2. Introducing BJ Blazkowicz, the newest addition to the Quake Champions roster! BJ Blazkowicz hasn't led an easy life. From a troubled past, to a bloody career.

  1. Quake Champions For Pc
  2. Quake Champions Heroes Saga
  3. Quake Champions Heroes Characters

There are currently 14 playable Champions in Quake Champions.

Unlike previous Quake titles, Quake Champions has an emphasis on unique playable characters each with different abilties and stats.

The Champions are characters from the previous Quake games or from completely other games also owned by Id Software.

  • 1Current Champions

Current Champions[edit | edit source]

Champions can be sorted into three weight classes based on their stack, speed, and size.

Light[edit | edit source]

Light champions are, health wise, the weakest of all the other champions being able to only have a maximum of 100 health and 75 armor. Light champions make up for this disadvantage by having some of the best mobility abilities in the game, allowing they to quickly traverse around a map and dodge incoming fire. Because of their play-style, they are considered some of the more difficult to play champions.

Medium[edit | edit source]

Medium champions are have a maximum of 100 health and 100 armor. Medium champions usually have abilities that can be used both as a utility and to deal damage (the one exception to this rule being Visor). The skill level for these champions range from beginner friendly to rather difficult, but are generally are not as complicated as Light champions.

Heavy[edit | edit source]

Heavy champions sport a large hitbox but make up for it with their large maximum stack of 100 health and 125 armor. Along with this, Heavy champions usually have abilities help improve their survivability in some way, whether it be as impactful as surrounding themselves in a damage reducing shield or as minimal as taking reduced knockback or having improved mobility to better enter and escape fights.

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The question you might have asked yourself or had someone ask is what is the best champion in quake champions?

If you are having friends and family joining in on the gib fest, they might not understand right off the bat that this question is totally up to how they want to play the game.

All champions vary and adapt to different play styles, as they all move differently, have different abilities, and also different max health and armor points. Let's get into the Quake Champions Characters and see what makes each one special.

If you are new to Quake and want to learn more you can feel free to join Smango's Discord and ask whatever question you want! New player-friendly!

Medium Champions are a good start

If you are coming from Quake III the easiest to get accustomed to is going to be Visor. This is because he moves just like everyone does in Quake III and even includes the strafe jump. All 'medium' class characters are probably the easiest for someone to adapt too. When I say medium this means they have medium HP and Armor and also speed.

Whenever I play Quake Champions, I'm normally playing as Visor or Galena. They both do play different but they are in the medium 'Champions' range so I try to stick with them because they better suit my playstyle more so than any other champions available.

I'm far from a Quake Champions professional, but I do LOVE the game and stream it on every occasion I can. Quake players must keep playing quite often always trying to perfect strafe jumping and map control. I stream from Time to Time and willing to play with New Players whenever check out my twitch channel.

So to answer the question, there is no 'best champion' in quake champions. Really, it's based on how you play and skill. You must perfect strafe jumping and map control to truly compete at the highest level in Quake Champions. I suggest checking out some of Frothy's Quake Champions strafe jumping videos to learn how to strafe jump. Although the quake champions heroes do end up countering each other.

  • You might also check out Liquid Rapha‘s mouse and video settings and learn how to play like a pro!
  • If you are a European fan then maybe you'll like Big K1llsens settings better.

Let's Break Down all the Quake Champions Characters

Below, we will go through each character and ability and what they bring to each fight you might have in quake champions. Below you will find a list of all the Quake Champions Characters and Heroes in the current release of the game.


Ranger could quite possibly be the best champion in quake champions. Whenever the game goes free to play he is the champion that everyone will have completely free.

Starting with 125 HP, 25 Armor with a Cap of 100, and a Speed 310.

He is a great medium and a starting character. He has a great ability which is called Dire Orb and you can use it to TELEFRAG people which is awesome if you've never done it. (Most modern games wouldn't allow telefragging today.)

Quake Champions For Pc

His passive ability makes him a great character to use the legendary rocket jump. A rocket jump is great whenever you need to reach a certain spot in the game really quick and the only way to get there is to rocket jump to catch your opponents off guard. Ranger can still take damage when using the rocket jump ability but it is greatly reduced.

Ranger is a champion I would call the 'Mario' of the series he is well balanced all around.



Scalebearer is what I would call a heavy champion.

Could he be the best champion in quake champions?

In my opinion not really, but he doesn't fit my playstyle what so ever.

Starting off with 150 HP and 50 Armor. He is very tanky, but he moves really slow at first with 300 movement speed. His passive ability and active ability, make him move REALLY fast.

Whenever Scalebearer moves anything over 500 speed he does damage to anything he touches. So if he is moving a straight line he gains momentum and starts running super fast if you don't turn quickly. He still benefits from strafe jumping and his speed does increase over 500 when you do.

The Bullrush ability makes him take even less damage basically making him invulnerable to incoming damage. A lot of players use this ability to escape whenever they are in trouble or use it to finish off unsuspecting enemies.

I don't like playing him but he is fun to try to charge into people with your Gauntlet out and flattening other champions like pan-cakes.


Easily my favorite champion in the game. But does that make him the best champion in quake champions? To me YES. I'm a railgun junky and I use to play Quake III a ton (I have a tattoo to prove it).

Visor's active ability basically gives you 'Wall Hacks' and allows you to see where all the enemies are at, so picking people off with the railgun gets even easier.

That isn't it though, he gains speed whenever you use the strafe jump. I've been strafe jumping since I became a computer gamer so he just feels perfect to me.

With Higher HP 150 and a little lower armor 25/75 max but his 320 speed. The Vanilla Quake III Movement makes it easy to get around maps.

I normally grab Visor and try to get in spots quick to pick off my opponents from a distance with the railgun.

Want to get a grasp of Visor?

Grab him and jump into a game of instagib and see how powerful it is to see your enemies through walls.


Anarki was a favorite champion back in the Quake III days.

Quake Champions he is a little bit harder to use because of his movement is different. Very fast and hard to hit.

There is a problem nice right or rail at the start of the game, Anarki is almost good as dead.

His injection Active Ability makes him move faster and regain close to full HP or if you are already close to full this will increase your Health Stack like you've picked up a mega health.

If you are set in stone on learning how to use Anarki you better practice movement with him because that is where his strong point is going to come from. Being able to out mauver your opponents he is your best bet because he moves the same speed going in any direction.

Could Anarki be the best champion in quake champions?


'Now you see me, now you don't' sums up Nyx pretty well.

Nyx is a Light Champions which means shes known for quick movement and lower health/armor stacks. She makes a great starting character for just about anyone. Her strong suits are for players who like to confuse their opponents and keep them guessing where she is at and disappearing in the blink of an eye with her ability.

Ghostwalk is a great active ability and can be used in multiple situations. Almost a get out of free jail card expect if VISOR is using his ability she can escape just about anything. Her passive is ok it basically a double jump if you are next to a wall or ledge so that helps in some sticky situations but I think it's one of the weaker passives. But, then again she can turn invisible.


I hate fighting clutch.

They never die with 3 rails, so you might as well try to MELT their health away with a lightning gun or shotgun.

Clutch is a pure tank but can move faster whenever you double-tap a direction. With 125 HP and 125/150 Armor, his plain ole movement speed along with his massive frame makes him a pretty easy target. But, he just never dies… easily at least. Whenever you fight a clutch up close you are going to know it.

He even comes equipped with a BARRIER! His active ability which he can turn into a laser that does 10 damage per tick. So it's a little bit beefier than the Normal Lighting Gun.

Clutch is a great champion to learn, but also requires a high skill to master. He is almost a requirement in the dueling mode simply because he is so hard to kill.

He is not one of my favorites but I'm sure some people will think he is the best champion in quake champions.


Galena is easily one of my favorites. Plenty HP 125 and Plenty Max Armor 25/100 she is a great medium-ish character.

You can use her Active ability as a trip mine and also a way to heal yourself!

She is fast enough to get places. I tend to play more passive with her because she can set traps, and get away and heal if you need too.

I highly recommend using her to start off with as her ability is easy to understand and movement is easy to grasp quickly. You can also support your teammates with your ability and heal them up if they need a little extra health. Probably the most 'supportive' champion in the game.

With a name like Unholy Paladin you know they have to be good, almost good enough to be the best champion in quake champions.


The Roller queen has a very weird movement/passive ability.

I can't seem to get it down pat myself yet but she is very quick and dangerous in the right hands. With 100 HP and 25/75 HP, she isn't very tanky but a little more than Anarki. If I'm not mistaken she and Anarki got a thing going on.

Quake Champions Heroes Saga

A good player with Slash and the Lightning gun it is insane to watch. You are instantly melted because of the speed she can produce with her crouch jump ability.

The active ability, in my opinion, isn't very good, you can usually only kill people with it whenever they are completely caught off guard. You must move in the direction you want the trail to follow and it eventually explodes and damages opponents standing in it.

If you like emo/goth chicks you should give Slash a try.

B.J. Blazkowicz

Yes, the famous Wolfenstein protagonist is in this game. B.J. is what some would consider a Medium Ranged Champions around the same armor and health abilities and movement style of the ranger.

Blakzokwicz has the Dual Wield Active Ability which allows him to have 2-weapons of the same kind at the exact same time.

The B.J. Blakzokwicz champions have been re-worked several times in the Quake Champions game. He no longer screams really loud and his Dual Wielding ability has been nerfed into the ground. It's best to try to time a good 1 – 2 seconds to use the dual-wielding ability before your opponent appears because of the increased time for it to pop.


A pretty nice tank one of my favorites who is pretty simple to use.

Literally, you bunny hop around and spit acid on people with this champion.

Sorlag is also a female by the way.

A tremendous champion to get around the map quick due to the champions CPMA movement. Plenty of health and armor she makes a fantastic champion for new players to try.

Quake champions heroes saga

Also, a champion that is really simple to use and gives new players a little help with the additional armor and health at spawn.

Quake Champions Heroes Characters

Starting this game? Make the Brood Queen the best champion in quake champions.

Doom Slayer

Why this champion is just called Doom Guy is beyond me because that's exactly who it is. I'm not sure about that one but Doom Slayer has the medium armor and health values I like. Equipped with a cool passive… the Double Jump!

You can use his active ability to get away from danger. Or use it to run right into danger and punch it right in the mouth.

Over a pretty good champion, although his active ability seems a little buggy at times.

You can learn more about Doom Guy in Quake Champions here.


Keel has an egg on because well Quake Champions has hats just like good ole Team Fortress 2. He is a pretty good Tanky Champion. He has slow movement and nothing really speed him up is his only downfall. Plenty of HP and Armor. His greatest thing is his active ability. He has extra grenades you can use whenever it is available, use them all at once or use them in certain situations.

Learning when to use his grenades and anticipating opponents is the only tricky part to this champion. Will, that make him the best champion in quake champions?

Strogg & Peeker

Strogg and Peeker is another medium champion added to the collection of great heroes.

This champion received a great update and made Strogg & Peeker one of the best champions in the game.

Strogg can now use the crouch slide similar to Slash's movement ability. While the crouch slide doesn't last as long as the Roller Queens, Strogg can also pick up vials of HP after he finishes off an opponent.

Even overstacking his HP similar to picking up a Mega Health.

Strogg has the ability to call on the Peeker called the Drone Strike. The Drone Strike however leaves Strogg vulnerable to attacks as he crouches down and controls the peeker. The Peeker is best used whenever you know your enemy doesn't have a railgun handy to take out quickly.

It's a great feeling whenever you explode the peeker and finish off your opponents with a flying drone of death.

Peeker also has the ability to shoot some lasers which will also show your teammates where enemies are located currently on the map.

Strogg and Peeker got a nice buff in the Fall 2019 Update! Learn more about crouch sliding in the Strogg is awesome post!

Death Knight

Death Knight enters the arena in good ole Quake Champions. Could he possibly be the Best Champion in Quake Champions?

Death Knight comes in as another Heavy Champion bringing an Active Ability called the Flame Strike. The Flame Strike is a great ability to use whenever you want to alter your opponent's movement as it leaves a trail of flame on the ground. Which the opponent will continue to take damage over time. It is also used as an additional burst of damage to finish off an enemy with low HP.

I believe Death Knight is a great addition to the already small class of champions available. Does DK's active ability need a nerf?

He is easy to play, has plenty of speed, health, and armor.

After watching the Quake Pro League tournament and he wasn't even the Champion that was most banned should tell you something. He, however, does get picked a lot by Rapha and Cooler in the finals whenever he wasn't banned.


Athena is the latest Quake Champion announced for Quake Champions. She is another fast and light champion added to the mix. With the light champion health of max 100 and starting with no armor. Speed is 320

Her ability is very fun to use!

She can use her ability to change directions on opponents almost instantly.

Grappling across the map is extremely useful and you can gain tons of speed and movement from it.

Athena can do a weird top of stairs jump that can send you up higher than normal, you can use it to throw off some players along the way.

Her ability really adds a very needed dynamic to the game that was needed. I remembered there used to be grappling maps in Quake III so I'm assuming other people liked this type of mod and had to implement it into Quake Champions.

Will Athena be the Best Champion in Quake Champions? There is only one way to find out for yourself, use the tips video above, and get practicing!


Eisen is just an odd champion.

He just feels kind of off, and really seems kind of… normal. For instance, he's not a monster or robot, he looks like someone you would find working on 2005 F150 in a garage somewhere in Kentucky.

Anyways I digress.

Bluebeam loading slow. Besides his love from his beloved Wall-E(Turret), he just doesn't seem to quite fit in, but that could be due to the fact I don't think turrets belong in Quake Champions.

The Turret is a great asset to deny enemies access to weapons and power-up items. Eisen's ability also cools down quicker if you are constantly picking up armor. So whenever you are playing duel or any other mode with armor pick-ups. It's a good idea to favorite the armor side of the map while playing Eisen.

Quake Champions' Eisen is another Medium Champion and has the movement style of Ranger and B.J.


Also, a champion that is really simple to use and gives new players a little help with the additional armor and health at spawn.

Quake Champions Heroes Characters

Starting this game? Make the Brood Queen the best champion in quake champions.

Doom Slayer

Why this champion is just called Doom Guy is beyond me because that's exactly who it is. I'm not sure about that one but Doom Slayer has the medium armor and health values I like. Equipped with a cool passive… the Double Jump!

You can use his active ability to get away from danger. Or use it to run right into danger and punch it right in the mouth.

Over a pretty good champion, although his active ability seems a little buggy at times.

You can learn more about Doom Guy in Quake Champions here.


Keel has an egg on because well Quake Champions has hats just like good ole Team Fortress 2. He is a pretty good Tanky Champion. He has slow movement and nothing really speed him up is his only downfall. Plenty of HP and Armor. His greatest thing is his active ability. He has extra grenades you can use whenever it is available, use them all at once or use them in certain situations.

Learning when to use his grenades and anticipating opponents is the only tricky part to this champion. Will, that make him the best champion in quake champions?

Strogg & Peeker

Strogg and Peeker is another medium champion added to the collection of great heroes.

This champion received a great update and made Strogg & Peeker one of the best champions in the game.

Strogg can now use the crouch slide similar to Slash's movement ability. While the crouch slide doesn't last as long as the Roller Queens, Strogg can also pick up vials of HP after he finishes off an opponent.

Even overstacking his HP similar to picking up a Mega Health.

Strogg has the ability to call on the Peeker called the Drone Strike. The Drone Strike however leaves Strogg vulnerable to attacks as he crouches down and controls the peeker. The Peeker is best used whenever you know your enemy doesn't have a railgun handy to take out quickly.

It's a great feeling whenever you explode the peeker and finish off your opponents with a flying drone of death.

Peeker also has the ability to shoot some lasers which will also show your teammates where enemies are located currently on the map.

Strogg and Peeker got a nice buff in the Fall 2019 Update! Learn more about crouch sliding in the Strogg is awesome post!

Death Knight

Death Knight enters the arena in good ole Quake Champions. Could he possibly be the Best Champion in Quake Champions?

Death Knight comes in as another Heavy Champion bringing an Active Ability called the Flame Strike. The Flame Strike is a great ability to use whenever you want to alter your opponent's movement as it leaves a trail of flame on the ground. Which the opponent will continue to take damage over time. It is also used as an additional burst of damage to finish off an enemy with low HP.

I believe Death Knight is a great addition to the already small class of champions available. Does DK's active ability need a nerf?

He is easy to play, has plenty of speed, health, and armor.

After watching the Quake Pro League tournament and he wasn't even the Champion that was most banned should tell you something. He, however, does get picked a lot by Rapha and Cooler in the finals whenever he wasn't banned.


Athena is the latest Quake Champion announced for Quake Champions. She is another fast and light champion added to the mix. With the light champion health of max 100 and starting with no armor. Speed is 320

Her ability is very fun to use!

She can use her ability to change directions on opponents almost instantly.

Grappling across the map is extremely useful and you can gain tons of speed and movement from it.

Athena can do a weird top of stairs jump that can send you up higher than normal, you can use it to throw off some players along the way.

Her ability really adds a very needed dynamic to the game that was needed. I remembered there used to be grappling maps in Quake III so I'm assuming other people liked this type of mod and had to implement it into Quake Champions.

Will Athena be the Best Champion in Quake Champions? There is only one way to find out for yourself, use the tips video above, and get practicing!


Eisen is just an odd champion.

He just feels kind of off, and really seems kind of… normal. For instance, he's not a monster or robot, he looks like someone you would find working on 2005 F150 in a garage somewhere in Kentucky.

Anyways I digress.

Bluebeam loading slow. Besides his love from his beloved Wall-E(Turret), he just doesn't seem to quite fit in, but that could be due to the fact I don't think turrets belong in Quake Champions.

The Turret is a great asset to deny enemies access to weapons and power-up items. Eisen's ability also cools down quicker if you are constantly picking up armor. So whenever you are playing duel or any other mode with armor pick-ups. It's a good idea to favorite the armor side of the map while playing Eisen.

Quake Champions' Eisen is another Medium Champion and has the movement style of Ranger and B.J.

This champion is a good champion for new players to pick up and play easily and you might get a few kills off of turret placement alone.

Currently, Eisen has been the last champions released in late 2018 for Quake Champions. As far as I know, there have been no announcements on new champions been developed for the game.

Who Is The Best Champion in Quake Champions: Conclusion

Really it comes down to which Champion you really love to play. Each Champion has unique movement and abilities which creates an interesting dynamic in the Quake and Arena FPS Formula.

Some champions perform better on different maps based on how they are designed for their unique movement. It's really up to you and the time you put into the game on how well they can perform.

For beginners stick with Ranger and work your way up to try some of the more skilled champions. If you cannot get enough Quake action be sure to subscribe to the Quakefans YouTube Channel and More Listed Down below!

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New Photos coming soon, and video guides of each quake champions character!

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